26 mai 2013

Romania - the paradise of abuses and corruption

En >>  At first glance ... looks too harsh said, but besides the beautiful aspects of this country, the reality of the society in the facts of trasnpuse individuals with "sphere of influence", does not contradict this suggestive title ' but strengthens putin rule "coin toss make the law" .... It is enough to have a little "work" with "the system" to get to the first mentioned by some long dilemma < < you get with the system ... or die of starvation > >
     Staff and many others besides me, yet have the nerve to let "fear" in his "naivitatii" and with a little gumption, want to give over the nose some telling them that once again "wheelie coming back," seeking justice until the last hope dies. Tolerance, indifference, misinformation and manipulation of the media will not change abuzilor heaven and corruption in society but mere "change of mentality and human" concept when it comes to insulting and arrogant attitude of some "social rejects." occupying some elusive ... functions overlapped with incompententa and lack of accountability.
     Sometimes through outreach, indifference, submission, and all this combined with the lack of education, promote > > hypocrite attitude "If another do so .... why I wouldn't make the same" like ... some were born with this herd mentality.
     What's the truth? ...You walk through several cities, change, listen and look at some TV show, look at the attitude of those around them, make comparisons with other countries, work in other States, you turn around and leave the stand in place in Romania ... and painful conclusion but real partying alone and see if I'm right ....

Ro >>  La prima vedere... pare prea dur spus, dar pe langa aspectele frumoase ale acestei tari, realitatea societatii trasnpuse in faptele unor indivizi cu "sfera de influenta", nu contrazice acest titlu' sugestiv ci intareste putin regula "banul face legea".... E suficient sa ai putin de "lucru" cu "sistemul" pentru a ajunge la dilema mult pomenita de unii << Te dai cu sistemul... sau mori de foame >>
      Personal si multi altii pe langa mine, inca au tupeul de a lasa "frica" in carca "naivilor" si cu putin tupeu, vor sa dea peste nas unora spunandu-le ca odata si odata "roata se mai intoarce", cautand dreptatea pana cand ultima speranta moare. Toleranta, indiferenta, dezinformarea si manipularea media nu vor schimba raiul abuzilor si coruptiei din societatea ci simpla "schimbare a mentalitatii si conceptiei umane", cand vine vorba de atitudinea jignitoare si sfidatoare a unor "rebuturi sociale...." ce ocupa unele functii evaziv... suprapuse cu incompententa si totala lipsa de responsabilitate.
      Uneori prin mediatizare, indiferenta, supunere, si toate astea cumulate cu lipsa educatiei, promovam atitudinea ipocrita >> "Daca altul face asa .... de ce eu nu as face la fel" de parca ... unii s-au nascut cu mentalitatea asta de turma.
      Care-i adevarul? ...Te plimbi putin prin cateva orase, schimbi, asculti si privesti la cateve emisiune TV, analizezi atitudinea celor din jur, faci comparatii cu alte state, lucrezi in alte state, te intorci si parca timpul sta pe loc in Romania .... iar concluzia dureroasa dar reala o tragi singur/a si vezi daca am dreptate....