Intri pe platforme de socializare, site-uri de promovare, chat-uri sau chiar forumuri... unde cu stupoare constati ca aproape toti debordeaza de o penibilitate, naivitate si lispsa de educatie, iesita din comun, denatureaza pana si limba romana in continutul postarilor.... Dar apogeul e atins de prostia unora, (aspect bine sesizat de unii prieteni....) ce sustin mediocritate, alaturi de o gama larga si variata de "useri" asa cum sunt numiti ei de administratorii acelor "spatii" virtuale....
Ma intreb uneori ce ai de castigat... daca te comporti ca un "animal lipsit de ratiune" in mediul online, profitand de aspectul ca te ascunzi in spatele unor date false si nickname-uri false.... Daca ar fi sa dau un raspuns in locul celor ce adopta atitudinea asta as alege: timp pierdut si degradare morala....
Stau si ma intreb cum de Albert Einstein a indraznit sa contrazica aceste "scursuri ale societatii" zicandu-le << Doar doua lucruri sunt infinite: universul si prostia umana; iar de cea din urma sunt foarte sigur.>>
9 iunie 2013
2 iunie 2013
Dark minds - advantage
In the last week .... just what is known in the media ... Ironically speaking we pride ourselves with two murders and two attempted murder, all horrible and extreme gravity ... While lawmakers and Governors are asleep .... give the law meaningless and doesn't clean the systems that apply the law ... others are kinda do, take her life, change destinies, causing rivers of tears, because I do not know the feeling of "fear"; and education lack entirely. Education it was mockery and neglected for years by all the political parties contested in this country ... is the Foundation from which all other structures start ... but who do you say that? < < stupidity when it's virtue > >
The real issues are not those presented by some as will, distracting from the disastrous course of the civil society of today, but some emergencies pertaining to domestic violence, education, health and public safety ... I don't think many of us are interested in statistics for second marriages is from Romania, who, why and how, and put the candle through the world of "fashionable", or any other matters that occupy top aberrant, but acts of stupidity, campaigns, projects, severe laws come in support of the fight against crime, violence or promoting physical and verbal acts of domestic violence as well as ways ...
Sometimes you listen to, view, and realize that in a modern society "planting and picking" referring strictly to education, are disappearing from the terms that you need to realize that their destinies in their hands belong to generations that are waiting for more ... HOPE ....
The real issues are not those presented by some as will, distracting from the disastrous course of the civil society of today, but some emergencies pertaining to domestic violence, education, health and public safety ... I don't think many of us are interested in statistics for second marriages is from Romania, who, why and how, and put the candle through the world of "fashionable", or any other matters that occupy top aberrant, but acts of stupidity, campaigns, projects, severe laws come in support of the fight against crime, violence or promoting physical and verbal acts of domestic violence as well as ways ...
Sometimes you listen to, view, and realize that in a modern society "planting and picking" referring strictly to education, are disappearing from the terms that you need to realize that their destinies in their hands belong to generations that are waiting for more ... HOPE ....
Minti intunecate - profita
In ultima saptamana.... doar ce se stie din mass-media... ironic vorbind ne mandrim cu 2 crime si 2 tentative de crima, toate oribile si de o gravitate extrema... In timp ce scumpii nostri parlamentari si guvernanti dorm.... si nu inaspresc legile si nu curata sistemele ce aplica legea ...altii isi cam fac de cap, curma vieti, schimba destine, provoaca rauri de lacrimi, pentru ca nu cunosc sentimentul "fricii"; iar educatia le lipseste cu desavarsire. Educatie ce a fost batjocorita si neglijata ani la rand de toate pardidele politice din tara asta... este temelia de la care pornesct toate celelalte structuri... dar cui sa spui asta? << cand prostia e virtute>>
Problemele adevarate nu sunt cele prezentate de unii asa cum vor, ce distrag atentia de la cursul dezastruos al societatii civile de azi, ci unele urgente ce tin de violenta, educatie, sanatate si siguranta publica... Nu cred ca pe multi dintre noi ne intereseaza statistica divorturilor din Romania, cine, ce si cum si-a mai pus silicoane prin lumea "mondena", sau orice alte aspecte aberante ce ocupa topul prostiei romanesti, ci acte, campanii, proiecte, legi severe ce vin in sprijinul combaterii criminalitatii, violentei fizice si verbale sau promovarii actelor de violenta in fel si fel de moduri...
Uneori asculti, vezi si realizezi ca intr-o societate moderna "semanatul si culesul" cu referire strict la educatie, dispar din termenii celor ce ar trebuie sa isi dea seama ca tin in mana lor destinele unor generatii ce isi asteapta de mult ... SPERANTA....
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